Friday 20 September 2013

SUPERNOVA! Nuit_Blanche Ottawa+Gatineau - Skotoma

Denis Mateo, Skotoma (Letting Light into the Blind Spot / Maculer la tache aveugle de lumière), ByWard Market Pedestrian Zone, William Street (between George and Rideau Streets), ByWard Zone
Skotoma is a political/musical candle light sacred labyrinth installation and interactive performance on William (between Rideau and George) through which participants will become aware of the homophobic campaign led by the Canadian Government in the 1950′s to 1990′s
Denis Mateo is a multimedia artist.
He creates figurative and installation art that deals with social issues and semiotics of the body and spirit of the GBLTTQ and Two-Spirited community. It is his goal to raise awareness of issues regarding the GBLTTQ and Two-Spirited community by creating a sacred space where truth and forgiveness can meet, and where all are welcomed. His exhibits enable participants to pledge their engagement towards healing, letting go of hatred and hurt, and intervening in any event where homophobia is present. These sacred spaces call for communion to bring everyone in love’s light to commemorate those who have left us too early, to listen to the stories of those who have survived, and to remember their courage, thus enabling healing to take place.